
Kullanım örnekleri

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Phonetic: "/θɪŋz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: That which is considered to exist as a separate entity, object, quality or concept.

Definition: A word, symbol, sign, or other referent that can be used to refer to any entity.

Definition: An individual object or distinct entity.

Definition: A genuine concept, entity or phenomenon; something that actually exists (often contrary to expectation or belief).

Example: Bacon pie? Is that a thing?

Definition: Whatever can be owned.

Definition: Corporeal object.

Definition: (somewhat obsolete, with the) The latest fad or fashion.

Definition: (in the plural) Clothes, possessions or equipment.

Example: Hold on, let me just grab my things.

Definition: A unit or container, usually containing edible goods.

Example: get me a thing of apple juice at the store;  I just ate a whole thing of jelly beans

Definition: A problem, dilemma, or complicating factor.

Example: The car looks cheap, but the thing is, I have doubts about its safety.

Definition: A penis.

Definition: A living being or creature.

Example: you poor thing;  she's a funny old thing, but her heart's in the right place;  I met a pretty blond thing at the bar

Definition: That which matters; the crux.

Example: that's the thing: we don't know where he went;  the thing is, I don't have any money

Definition: Used after a noun to refer dismissively to the situation surrounding the noun's referent.

Example: Oh yeah, I'm supposed to promote that vision thing.

Definition: That which is favoured; personal preference. (Used in possessive constructions.)

Definition: A public assembly or judicial council in a Germanic country.

Definition: A romantic relationship.

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Phonetic: "/θɪŋz/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To express as a thing; to reify.

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Phonetic: "/θɪŋz/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: One's clothes, furniture, luggage, or possessions collectively; stuff

Example: Get your hands off my things!

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